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Eating Grass

By Daniel Foster22 Jan 2024

Most of us like plants.

Afterall, who goes to the park because they can’t stand trees? Or who hates the smell of spring flowers? Or, crawling a little closer to the point, who doesn’t have a favorite fruit?

But when it comes to heaping our plates high with green things, most of us slink away with a steak-and-shrimp, muttering something about how we didn’t climb to the top of the food chain to eat grass.

Even so, deep down, we know that plant-heavy diets are healthy (Get away from my geraniums, you know what I meant by that!) but thanks to a new study, we may finally know why they’re healthy. Researchers were able to scientifically link plant-heavy diets with improved liver and kidney function, as well as heathier metabolism overall. Tilman Kühn, who is Professor of Public Health Nutrition at MedUni Vienna and The University of Vienna, led the study. He said, “Our study is the first to identify biomarkers of central metabolic processes and organ functions as mediators of the health effects of a plant-based diet.”

Then there are also the more obvious links, like the one between plant-based diets and losing weight. (How many obese, life-long vegans do you know?) In fact, plants are so powerful in this regard, that basing your diet on them can reduce your risk of diabetes by 24%, even if you’re inactive or have a genetic predisposition for diabetes. So said Tilman’s study.

But Americans… we love our food. And if you insist that no one’s ever found a cave painting of a salad, I can’t argue.

Sometimes, though, we get a little too clever: “Well, maybe I can just cram some veggies into my normal diet.” Who doesn’t like a good Jack and Coke and Carrot Sticks? Or Twinkies with a side of kale? Unfortunately, this new study revealed that it doesn’t work that way. The ability of plants to shield you from diabetes also depends on the other things you eat. Specifically, your plant-based body armor can only build up in the near absence of refined sugars and processed foods. It seems that unhealthy things pollute an otherwise-good diet much like strychnine poisons a good well.

All jesting aside though, there are many whose genetics or life circumstances preclude a dietary solution. That’s why we build the many systems that help clinicians make your CABG surgeries and dialysis sessions safer—if your clinicians have our tech, that is. Nobody desires clogged arteries or kidney failure, but it’s nice to know that other safeguards do exist if arugula-by-the-pound can’t fix you.

That’s why we exist: to help those who can’t help themselves.

Check out one of our surgical meters here.

Carrot sticks not included.


Thanks for reading,

               Transonic Systems, Inc.

                        The Measure of Better Results


