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I Maced Myself This Morning

By Daniel Foster13 Sep 2024

You may suspect it’s an exfoliating routine, or a martial arts class that didn’t go my way. But sometimes breakfast just goes that badly.

I like spicy food. A really hot jalapeno runs about 10,000 scovils. I think the hottest sauce I’ve eaten was 4.3 million.

But these peppers… dear god. From an unholy place.

I cut them up and my eyes started watering. When I washed the seeds out of them, the hot water must have kicked up the capsaicin oil with the water vapors. I immediately started sneezing, followed by coughing. Within moments my eyes were burning like I’d been maced.

I washed my hands twice and crawled out of the kitchen. Once I felt safe, I innocently scratched my eyebrows because they were itching. They are now burning like I blow-torched my face.

Yes. My eyebrows are on fire because I barely touched them. After washing my hands.

Hopefully your morning coffee was less perilous. But as I crawled out of the kitchen like a drowned rat, it got me thinking: I do like hot things, so maybe I just had too much of a good thing.

We often have too much of a good thing, because our modern lifestyle affords us that privilege. In addition to macing myself while making an omelet, I also will do terrible things for a homemade chocolate chip cookie.

But too many of those warm cookies, made with lots of real butter, and your arteries can clog. Our Aureflo can be part of the rescue process (the CABG surgery that might save your life, or the life of your loved one) but the best solution is always moderation.

Oh my God my eyebrows are really burning. These peppers laugh at moderation.

Did you know that September is Pain Awareness Month? At the moment, I’m very aware. Pain is the sign that something is wrong. So we build a litany of devices to alert clinicians before lack of flow becomes a serious a problem. Hopefully before the pain even begins.

So while I’m bent over the bathroom sink, frantically taking a scrub brush to my face, I suggest that you take a look at our CABG products. Sooner or later, everyone has a family member or friend who needs a CABG surgery, and you definitely don’t want your doctor doing the surgery without checking flow. Afterall, the whole point of a CABG graft is flow.

Okay, everyone have a great day. I need to go shave my eyebrows off.

Thanks for reading,

               Transonic Systems, Inc

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