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Flower Power

By Daniel Foster06 Sep 2024

What do diabetes and dahlias have in common?

Nothing. In fact one could say they don’t get along at all. Brand new research strongly suggests that dahlia extract may combat diabetes. Dahlia petals contain butein, a molecule that has been demonstrated to reduce brain inflammation, thereby inversely boosting the blood sugar regulation that cerebral inflammation inhibits.

Butein has been known to have this effect for a while, but it wasn’t until recently that a talented research group made the botanical connection and conjured an extract to test on mice. It consistently reduced inflammation in their little rodent brains, so human trials followed. They yielded similar results. Diabetes drugs are expensive, sometimes even inaccessible no matter the price. Could dahlia extract provide a plentiful, inexpensive alternative? We’ll have to wait for further testing to know for sure…

What do flowers and our HDO3 Hemodialysis Monitor have in common?

Well… more than you’d think. Just as dahlias can combat diabetes, our HD03 Monitor can help protect the health of a hemodialysis vascular access. The HD03 can measure delivered flow and recirculation in all vascular accesses. Why are these measurements necessary? Because, unfortunately, the hemodialysis machine doesn’t tell you anything about vascular access health.

The HD03 does.

Our Transit Time technology precisely measures real-time flow. With a few simple measurements, you can know whether or not your patient is receiving their hemodialysis prescription, and act accordingly.

Are you thinking the flower-to-HD03 connection is a little too thin? Maybe I could ask our engineering team to make a slick black case for the HD03, add a little fuchsia pinstriping, and label it the “HD03 Dahlia Edition.”

I know, I know: the marketing police would make an arrest.

But if this blog encourages you to click here and gain the measurement capability that ends up saving a patient’s life, then it’s worth every absurd analogy and grammatic gyration in this blog…

Thanks for reading,

               Transonic Systems, Inc

                        The Measure of Better Results



Diabetes: Dahlia flower extract may help with blood sugar control (medicalnewstoday.com)