How to Calculate the Height in Amputees for Measurements in the HD03 Monitor
In 2010, 29 million Americans had diabetes, of which 72,000 were amputees resulting from infection and necrosis of their limbs.
Another co-mobidity of diabetes is cardiac disease. Measurements of cardiac output and associated parameters with the Hemodialysis HD03 Monitor require the height and target weight of a patient be inputted on the parameters screen of the HD03 Monitor.
The following formula can be used to calculate the correct height for amputees for input into the HD03 Monitor. The value for K is taken from the table below.
Height = Height (before amputation) x (times) K
Female: 65 inches tall (5 feet, 5 inches)(165.1 cm)with lower leg amputated.
Height for Input into Parameter’s screen:
65 x 0.88 = 57.2 inches (height used for input) or
in Centimeters: 165.1 x 0.88 = 145 cm (height)

Holle, L. (2013). Cancer therapy: Prescribing and administration basics. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.