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Kidney Care News to Know: Largest Dialysis Providers Ranked

kidney care newsLargest Dialysis Providers Ranked

Fresenius Medical Care (No. 1) and DaVita (No. 2) ranked as the top dialysis providers in the USA. Fresenius saw 192,964 patients this year, while DaVita saw 190,500. Coming in third was U.S. Renal Care, seeing 25,120 patients. Fresenius’ bump in volume came from an increase in patients accepted for treatment for acute kidney injury.

Source: Nephrology News & Issues

CDC: Catheters Cause Most Bloodstream Infections in Dialysis Patients

Recent CDC data show most bloodstream infections in dialysis patients are caused by central venous catheters. Researchers found 77 percent of infections were related to accessing a patient’s blood, and that infections and other dialysis events were highest among patients with central venous catheters.

Source: Nephrology News & Issues

Hypothyroidism Linked to Lower Quality of Life in HD Patients Myalgia, reduced muscle strength, higher oxygen requirements and refractory anemia from hypothyroidism might contribute to worse physical function. Researchers also found higher baseline thyrotropin levels contributed to worse scores in physical health, energy, fatigue and pain.

Source: Renal & Urology News

CKD Mineral & Bone Disorder Guidelines Updated

A work group with Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) recently released updated guidelines, “Diagnosis, Evaluation, Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease–Mineral and Bone Disorder.” Updated areas include the diagnosis of bone abnormalities; treatment by targeting phosphate lowering and calcium adequacy; treatment of parathyroid hormone (PTH) abnormalities: treatment of bone abnormalities by antiresorptives and other osteoporosis therapies; and evaluation and treatment of kidney transplant bone disease.

Source: Renal & Urology News

Early Hospital Admission Increases Death Risk for HD Patients

HD patients readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge face higher risk of death during the following year. Researchers found that 35 percent of readmissions happened within one week of discharge, which suggests dialysis providers have a limited opportunity to intervene.

Source: Renal & Urology News