The Catcher in the Rye-alysis?
Dialysis is hard. Being a vascular access coordinator is harder.
Dialysis is necessary. Being a vascular access coordinator is… wait, are VAC’s still necessary?
If you’re as old as the guy writing this blog, you may remember the educational controversy that once surrounded J.D. Salinger’s novel, The Catcher in the Rye. Proponents of the book considered it a literary masterpiece that all children should read. Opponents considered its content (and perhaps its moral structure) to be unsuitable.
The title of the book was based on the protagonist’s dream job. Holden Caulfield didn’t want to be a doctor or a lawyer. No, he wanted to be the Catcher in the Rye. (I’m going to heavily paraphrase Salinger’s explanation…)
Envision a rye field on a summer’s day. Full heads of grain, warming in the sun, bowing under a breeze. There are children playing in the field. Tag. Ring Around the Rosy. Unbeknownst to them, the rye field ends in a cliff. Fortunately, Holden stands at the edge, guarding. Whenever the children run too close, he catches them and puts them safely back into the field. They go on, laughing and chasing each other, not knowing the danger—and not needing to know it—because Holden stands guard.
Vascular access coordinators also stand guard. They are responsible for one of the most essential components of dialysis—the condition of patients’ accesses. Their efforts can preempt clotting, stenosis, failed dialysis appointments, and a host of collateral problems. By these efforts and more (like educating patients on their own accesses), VAC’s save time and money, and most importantly, make their patients safer and more comfortable.
VAC’s are the Catchers in the Rye.
So, are vascular access coordinators necessary? Only as necessary as financial solvency, good patient care, a positive outlook on life, friends and family, and breathable air.
If you are a VAC, we see the job you do, and we know the importance of it. That’s why we built the HD03 system, to help optimize your patient care.
Join our webinar, March 24th at 1PM to learn how to use your HD03 to check delivered flow and recirculation. Let us show you how much stress the HD03 can lift off your shoulders. Most importantly, thank you for what you do. We wouldn’t want to see the dialysis world without you.