Hemodialysis news and insights from Transonic

How to Hire a Good Dialysis Tech

Written by Deborah Brouwer-Maier RN, CNN | Dec 22, 2021 12:30:00 PM

Patient satisfaction is important to the health of your clinic. Dissatisfied patients can impact your clinic’s reputation, making it more difficult for your clinic to attract and retain patients.

While a patient’s interactions with their physician play an important role in how satisfied they are with their clinic, the staff — like nurses or dialysis techs — and the clinic environment itself are also critical.

Clinic Staffing Requirements and the Importance of Good Techs

Your clinic’s staffing needs aren’t solely determined by the number of patients you see. The number of staff you need depends on the Conditions for Coverage (CfC) if you receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, as well as any current state regulations. 

Of all clinic staff, your patients will spend the most time with their dialysis tech. They monitor the patient before, during and after dialysis and ensure their safety and comfort. 

It’s also the job of the dialysis tech to listen to a patient’s health or dialysis concerns and relay that information to the patient’s care team. The tech plays an important role in quality assurance by making sure the clinic is complying with any state and federal regulations.

For dialysis techs, you want to make sure you’re hiring staff who:

  • Have at least a high school diploma
  • Will be certified within 18 months of hire. 


If your clinic is smaller, you may want to cross-train dialysis techs for multiple roles. These can include things like inventory and administrative tasks. 

When evaluating dialysis tech candidates, you want to consider:

  • Staff who have previous experience working in a clinic setting
  • The interpersonal/communication skills of the candidate. Are they a good listener? How organized are they?
  • The amount of training or certifications a candidate has or can obtain once they are an employee


If you’re having trouble finding qualified candidates who meet your needs, consider posting your open positions to national associations like National Association of Nephrology Technicians/Technologists.