(Gleaned from the 2018 USRDS Annual Data Report: Volume II: Chapter 6)
Kidney transplantation is the renal replacement therapy (RRP) of choice for the majority of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Successful kidney transplantation is associated with improved survival, improved quality of life, and healthcare cost savings
(1) A move to a continuous, percentile-based (lower is better) description of donor quality, the Kidney Donor Profile Index.
(2) For use in conjunction with the Kidney Donor Profile Index, the calculation of an Expected Post-Transplant Survival score for all adult kidney recipient candidates. The score is based on four factors: age, time on dialysis, prior transplant of any organ, and presence of diabetes. This allows preferential allocation of donor kidneys with the best KDPI scores of 20% or less, to younger and healthier candidates with the best EPTS scores of 20% or less.
(3) To more accurately reflect difficulty in donor-recipient matching, priority is given for sensitized candidates, based on their calculated panel reactive antibodies.
(4) The inclusion of pre-waiting list dialysis time in a candidate’s waiting time to partially dissipate the effects of late referral for transplantation. Now, waiting time includes time from the point of listing, with a requirement for a GFR ≤20 mL/min, or the time from initiation of dialysis (or return to dialysis if the patient had a failed kidney transplant).